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Vyplněním osobních údajů ve formuláři a jejich odesláním, souhlasíte s jejich zpracováním společností Energy. Firma Energy Group, a.s. se zavazuje, že osobní údaje uvedené v této přihlášce nebudou použity k jiným účelům, ani nebudou poskytnuty třetí straně.

Klubové členství a jeho výhody

Každý zákazník, nakupující produkty Energy, má možnost registrace. Výhody členství v Klubu Energy lze čerpat v celé síti prodejních míst v ČR.

Po podepsání Smlouvy o obchodní spolupráci a zaplacení registračního poplatku 500 Kč se zákazník stává řádným členem Klubu Energy. Kromě členské karty společnosti Energy Group, a.s. obdrží každý nový člen startovací balíček, vč. jednoho koncentrátu podle vlastního výběru a ročního předplatného magazínu Vitae.

Registrace v Klubu Energy je platná 12 měsíců od data podepsání Smlouvy o obchodní spolupráci. Následujících šest měsíců je ještě možné si registraci prodloužit. K výhodám klubového členství patří mimo 30% slevy na nákup zboží také možnost navštěvovat poradny lékařů a terapeutů, odborné přednášky a účastnit se dalších klubových aktivit.

Podrobnosti naleznete v Průvodci zde.

The Pentagram of five elements

Is a mnemonic device designed to assist physicians, healers and, of course, our advisors. Certain organs, body functions and specific emotions pertain to each element. At the same time, a preparation has also been assigned to each element.

The philosophy of the Energyvet Pentagram is based on the cycle of energy in a clockwise direction. The energy is merely notional and it has a different character between each pair of elements.

If any of the elements are blocked, the energy accumulates at the previous element and that is where the symptoms of excess energy can be seen (an increased temperature, excessive production by the affected organ, painful and sudden conditions – for example: an increased skin temperature, flushes, hyperaemia, pain or increased sebum or sweat production).

The symptoms of insufficient energy can be observed at the following element after the block (a reduced temperature, insufficient production, limited circulation, the disease state develops slowly – using the skin as an example again: cool, pale, dry, scale formation).

The regeneration involves the action of the preparation directly on the blocked element. The symptoms only manifest themselves on the previous element and on the subsequent element. We therefore use the preparation on the blockage between them, where there are no symptoms. For example: an animal is suffering from constipation (insufficient production at the metal element) and at the same time is experiencing accelerated and irregular cardiac activity, a hard pulse or hormonal disorders caused by stress (excess energy on the element of fire leads to increased activity). This pair of problems is resolved by using the preparation between them – the earth preparation, i.e. Gynevet.

It is not possible to administer the preparation of an element on displayed symptoms of the same element. For example, the use of Virovet (the element of metal) for constipation (the large intestine is under the element of metal). The preparations slightly irritate the organs of their own element and, for example, in the case of constipation Virovet could also lead to colic. If we use any other preparation, it will always act more or less positively. The only limitation during regeneration is that an element’s preparation should not be used, if the apparent symptoms are associated with the same element. Then this regeneration is completely safe and without any side effects.

Cases for special attention:

In the case of more acute conditions and older animals (especially carnivores), it is absolutely inadvisable to use Renovet in the case of chronic kidney malfunction accompanied by increased liveliness and excessive urination. In such a case, this preparation would cause the irritated kidneys to lose more liquids and it could lead to complete kidney failure. Hyperactivity in the form of an increased amount of urine must be treated using a preparation from the subsequent element of wood - Regavet.  

In all types of animals with cardiac insufficiency, it is once again unsuitable to use a preparation from the fire element, Korovet. It stimulates the diseased heart muscle and may lead to its failure. In the case of a weak pulse and weakened cardiac echoes, it is necessary to add the energy from the previous element of wood using Regavet (it acts on the metabolism and therefore on the efficiency of the heart muscle). On the other hand, in the case of an accelerated pulse and irregular or strengthened cardiac echoes it is necessary to remove energy using a preparation from the subsequent element of earth, Gynevet (it harmonises and calms the heart’s nervous control and removes the results of stress). 

In the case of pneumonia, the use of Virovet will lead to the intensification of the cough. In this case, it is necessary to remove the energy using a preparation from the subsequent element of water; Renovet or even better Kingvet, which is even more effective against coughs.