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Vyplněním osobních údajů ve formuláři a jejich odesláním, souhlasíte s jejich zpracováním společností Energy. Firma Energy Group, a.s. se zavazuje, že osobní údaje uvedené v této přihlášce nebudou použity k jiným účelům, ani nebudou poskytnuty třetí straně.

Klubové členství a jeho výhody

Každý zákazník, nakupující produkty Energy, má možnost registrace. Výhody členství v Klubu Energy lze čerpat v celé síti prodejních míst v ČR.

Po podepsání Smlouvy o obchodní spolupráci a zaplacení registračního poplatku 500 Kč se zákazník stává řádným členem Klubu Energy. Kromě členské karty společnosti Energy Group, a.s. obdrží každý nový člen startovací balíček, vč. jednoho koncentrátu podle vlastního výběru a ročního předplatného magazínu Vitae.

Registrace v Klubu Energy je platná 12 měsíců od data podepsání Smlouvy o obchodní spolupráci. Následujících šest měsíců je ještě možné si registraci prodloužit. K výhodám klubového členství patří mimo 30% slevy na nákup zboží také možnost navštěvovat poradny lékařů a terapeutů, odborné přednášky a účastnit se dalších klubových aktivit.

Podrobnosti naleznete v Průvodci zde.

The principles of animal regeneration

Regeneration is a simple method of caring for the health of every type of animal. It does, however, have its laws which have to be adhered to. It is not possible to adopt the method used with any other product and to apply it to Energy preparations. This would lead to needless errors and reduce the efficacy of the regeneration method. In order for our products to have the optimum effect on animals, it is necessary to adhere to several fundamental rules of which there are two main ones.

Breaks are important

Breaks in administering the regenerative preparation are just as important as the application itself. The administration of the preparation is limited to a maximum of three weeks and there must then be a break of at least one week. Otherwise, the animal’s body will become accustomed to the application of the preparation and it will cease to have an effect or, even worse, the animal’s body may begin to reject the preparation.
The main preparations (Virovet, Renovet, Regavet, Korovet, Gynevet, Etovet and Kingvet) have the function of a catalyst. Their application starts natural processes in the organism which continue after the application ceases. The premature administration of another preparation can stop the process and in some cases even revert the process to the situation prior to the commencement of the regeneration. Supplementary preparations do not have any such limitations and can be used over the long term, but with weekly breaks in order to limit any loss of efficaciousness.
The principle should be: the break should last as long as the period in which the main preparation was administered. This will enable the animal to make use of the full regeneration potential of the preparation.
For example, if you administer Kingvet for three weeks, it is advisable to then have a break of at least three weeks. An entire month would be optimal. If you administer the product to an older animal twice for three weeks with a break of a week, the optimum break will then be around two months, i.e. the breaks can be added together. The main preparations will remain in effect throughout the entire period, but will do so without the initial irritation, i.e. the stimulation, of the organs which they are assigned to.

Adverse reactions

Some people fear the temporary worsening of the animal’s symptoms before the commencement of the regeneration. Real adverse reactions usually do not appear in the animal. If, however, the animal is in a very poor state of health or has reached an advanced age, fears of an aggravated condition may be justified. Any adverse reactions usually only appear when the preparation is first administered. If they repeatedly appear after each dose, the wrong regeneration preparation has been selected and it must be changed.

The main principles for preventing the aggravation of the symptoms in the animal:

1. Immediately cease administering the preparation, if any symptoms appear or if there is the hint as to the fact that the situation has worsened. This is a basic principle.
2. Never compensate for any such aggravation of the symptoms by administering other preparations. This will not help and the animal will cease reacting to the regeneration altogether.
3. Start giving old animals and animals with serious conditions the preparations as sparingly as possible. Here are the instructions:
- Administer the preparation only once a day (the amount of drops does not play a role here).
- Administer the preparation for only two or three days and then have a four-day break. Continue in the same way (three days of application, four days of nothing), if there are signs of a worsening of the symptoms.
- If the animal’s condition does not worsen, you can administer the preparation continuously for three weeks.
- You can interrupt the regeneration at any time for up to one week without any loss of efficacy. On the contrary, this type of regeneration may even be more efficacious.