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Klubové členství a jeho výhody

Každý zákazník, nakupující produkty Energy, má možnost registrace. Výhody členství v Klubu Energy lze čerpat v celé síti prodejních míst v ČR.

Po podepsání Smlouvy o obchodní spolupráci a zaplacení registračního poplatku 500 Kč se zákazník stává řádným členem Klubu Energy. Kromě členské karty společnosti Energy Group, a.s. obdrží každý nový člen startovací balíček, vč. jednoho koncentrátu podle vlastního výběru a ročního předplatného magazínu Vitae.

Registrace v Klubu Energy je platná 12 měsíců od data podepsání Smlouvy o obchodní spolupráci. Následujících šest měsíců je ještě možné si registraci prodloužit. K výhodám klubového členství patří mimo 30% slevy na nákup zboží také možnost navštěvovat poradny lékařů a terapeutů, odborné přednášky a účastnit se dalších klubových aktivit.

Podrobnosti naleznete v Průvodci zde.

General appearance and performance

The appearance of the fur

Dry, brittle - Omegavet (it especially provides the necessary unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins A, D and E); it is suitable to internally administer Gynevet for the better utilisation of the body’s building materials (it positively influences the activity of the enzymes which process fats and it is the concentrate which best influences the quality of the skin and its derivatives).

For a shiny coat

Fytovet, which provides the essential minerals in a maximally useable form, and Omegavet. Once again, it is also possible to strengthen the formation of the fur by administering Gynevet.

The impression of a dirty coat, greying

Renovet, which goes well with Cytovet. In older animals in particular, it is advisable to prepare the animal’s organism for regeneration with Renovet by administering at least a weekly course of Regavet.


Gynevet can be generally used for every case of the renewal of fur growth. Cytovet is suitable in the case of poisoning, for example with heavy metals, as it binds to all the reactive groups with a chelation bond, as is Fytovet, which displaces the toxic elements from the binding sites on proteins and enzymes. In the case of fungal and bacterial illnesses, Audivet is useful when eliminating the originator locally. Concentrated Fytovet applied locally assists during itching.

The general improvement of the appearance for shows and other events

Gynevet supplemented with Fytovet and Omegavet at least 3 weeks in advance (preparation 2 months in advance is more suitable). It is not necessary to use all of the stated products. That is the maximalist version, but it provides the most certain results.

Increased performance

Kingvet is effective for strengthening the functions of the skeletal and visceral muscles. It regulates the body’s metabolism according to the type of training. It improves stamina during stamina training or it improves the growth in muscle volume during strength training. In either case, Kingvet is most effective during the training phase, because its effect manifests itself in association with the training. Without training, it has no essential effect on muscles. It is also effective during the regeneration of damaged or tired muscles and it assist in breaking down accumulated lactic acid. It improves the sexual performance of males. It also has this effect in females, but it is necessary to alternate it with Gynevet.

Increasing momentary performance and stamina, improving the animal’s concentration

Use Etovet, which causes the rapid and flawless release of energy for performance, for competitions or for momentary performance. It improves the functioning of the nervous system and stimulates the control centres, i.e. strengthens the effects of feedback and as such the control mechanisms and the ability to concentrate on momentary performance. Neither Kingvet nor Etovet contain any monitored or banned stimulants. They act against stress.