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Vyplněním osobních údajů ve formuláři a jejich odesláním, souhlasíte s jejich zpracováním společností Energy. Firma Energy Group, a.s. se zavazuje, že osobní údaje uvedené v této přihlášce nebudou použity k jiným účelům, ani nebudou poskytnuty třetí straně.

Klubové členství a jeho výhody

Každý zákazník, nakupující produkty Energy, má možnost registrace. Výhody členství v Klubu Energy lze čerpat v celé síti prodejních míst v ČR.

Po podepsání Smlouvy o obchodní spolupráci a zaplacení registračního poplatku 500 Kč se zákazník stává řádným členem Klubu Energy. Kromě členské karty společnosti Energy Group, a.s. obdrží každý nový člen startovací balíček, vč. jednoho koncentrátu podle vlastního výběru a ročního předplatného magazínu Vitae.

Registrace v Klubu Energy je platná 12 měsíců od data podepsání Smlouvy o obchodní spolupráci. Následujících šest měsíců je ještě možné si registraci prodloužit. K výhodám klubového členství patří mimo 30% slevy na nákup zboží také možnost navštěvovat poradny lékařů a terapeutů, odborné přednášky a účastnit se dalších klubových aktivit.

Podrobnosti naleznete v Průvodci zde.


 Viral infections

Administer Virovet in the initial stages (it improves the creation of antibodies, activates T and B lymphocytes and increases the defences of the mucosae) and the human product Grepofit (it increases the antimicrobial effects in combination with the concentrate). Caution! It is toxic in large doses and the toxicity has not been designated for cats and cold-blooded reptiles. It therefore cannot be recommended for use with the stated groups, i.e. for cats, mustelidae, snakes, lizards, turtles and fish. Replace Grepofit with Imunovet in these groups. Imunovet is also more suitable for the elimination of fevers. The toxicity of Grepofit is negligible for other groups of animals, i.e. only digestive difficulties arise, if the recommended dose is exceeded ten times). It is recommended to replace Virovet with Etovet in the spring period. Imunovet is the most suitable in the advanced stages of infection and for convalescence. Both Imunovet and the human product Flavocel are effective against tracheal coughs (a cough like a saw cutting a board); the almost 100% left-handed helix form of the vitamin C together with the flavonoids increases the pH, i.e. reduces the acidity of the tissue and acts on the accelerated regeneration of the bronchial mucosae.

Viral infections affecting the red and white blood cells

(for example, feline panleukopenia) - Virovet and Korovet, which act on the haematopoiesis and strengthen cellular immunity, eliminate inflammation.

Bacterial infections

It is universally possible to use Kingvet together with Grepofit for the initial period of the infection (7 to 10 days). In the case of any long-lasting or overly high temperatures and in the case of any long-lasting infections (over 7 days), replace Grepofit with Imunovet. In the case of tonsillitis and kidney disorders, replace Kingvet with Renovet. For coughs and convalescence, it is once again possible to use Flavocel and Imunovet.
Chronic bronchitis - Kingvet (it regenerates the bronchial ciliated epithelium and dissolves phlegm); if there is also a fever, it is essential to additionally administer Imunovet.

Infections of the urinary and genital organs

Renovet in the case of the kidneys there is the risk of an adverse reaction, i.e. the temporary worsening of the state of health, and it is therefore advisable to initially purge the organism of burdensome toxins and metabolites using Regavet (administer at least 1 week, then apply at least a 4-day break and then administer Renovet). Never administer Regavet together with Renovet or Kingvet at the same time!!! In the case of uterine infections and infections of the birth or urinary canals, the use of Kingvet is most suitable once again after the preparation of the organism using Regavet. Additionally administer Imunovet in the case of a fever or during convalescence. Flavocel is also suitable during convalescence.

Dermal infections

Regardless of their origins (viral, bacterial, fungal or yeast), it is possible to treat infections on the surface with Audivet. In the case of itching, it is possible to treat the skin’s surface with concentrated Fytovet.

Arthritis during infections

Choose the preparation according to the overall symptoms. If there are none and only the aforementioned polyarthritis manifests itself, it is necessary to be guided by the heat radiated from the joints. Preferably use Virovet together with Imunovet in the case of hot joints and acute pain. If the joints are only slightly warm, use Kingvet; once again this can also be used together with Imunovet or Skelevet. If the joints are cold, Renovet will be the most suitable and Cytovet can also be added to this after several days.